Laser Safety Consultancy
We deliver a whole range of laser safety consultancy services:
product classification reports
- laser safety management procedures
- documentation reviews
- on-site audits, evaluations and assistance
- classification testing
- LED safety measurements against the ‘lamp standard’
Laser safety consultancy is not just for the untrained laser safety client, in fact most laser users should really have had some formal training and certification, but it is also useful in order to check calculations and that nothing has been missed. Why? Because mistakes, and accidents happen, so you can’t be too careful with a complex subject like laser safety and checking with an expert laser safety consultant can provide peace of mind.
Why Use Laser Safety Consultants
Laser safety is a complex subject. It is not helped by the fact that the laser safety standards are complex standards. This is evidenced by the number of standards published as IEC or EN 60825 documents that purport to explain, provide guidelines or user assistance to the main 60825 laser safety satandards (click on standards to see what we mean).
The Need for Expert Laser Safety Input to Procedures
Even within the laser safety community there can be ‘grey areas’ that need further clarification and areas of discussion or dispute between experts. As a laser user, it is important that you know what drives your laser safety adviser. At Lucid we appreciate that personal safety is of paramount importance, whilst at the same time understanding that your business does not exist just in order to follow over-the-top regulations imposed by an over-zealous consultant. Laser safety should be rigorous, but procedures and controls should be helpful and not overly obstructive to the user.
How can we help with your laser safety issues? – Consult us…
Tell us what they are and we will tell you how we can help and suggest the options open to you. From there it is up to you. We do not do hard sell, we leave you to choose us as your partner in laser safety and we work to ensure we provide good solutions for you at low cost. In particular we are keen to recognise that in laser safety there is anot a ‘one size fits all’ solution, and different organisations and industries require different solutions to the process of managing laser safety.
Laser Safety Consultants?
As with all consultants, laser safety consultants are a mixed bag of experts. Some are good, some are a bit 1-dimensional and can not conceive of anything other than a standard solution, some are extremely expensive and not always as thorough or perhaps as expert as they should be. At Lucid we pride ourselves in offering a thorough service, with good communication with the client and at a very reasonable price. We try to ensure it is easy and comfortable for laser safety officers and others to work with us as friends – if you phone for advice we do not start a timer and send a bill!
Certificated Laser Protection Advisor – LPA
In order to verify the expertise of laser safety consultants employed to provide expert advice on laser safety matters to the medical and cosmetic clinics using laser and IPL based devices, various bodies have been approved to certificate Laser Protection Advisers or LPAs. Lucid offer an LPA service to medical, dental and cosmetic clinics using laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) devices for treatment purposes, and more information can be found on our LPA services page.