Bespoke and Custom Courses
A Lucid personal touch. Company and group courses can be customised to cover your exact requirements.
Most custom courses are based on modules from our existing range of courses, but we are also happy to research and develop new material. We do not charge extra for this, rather we see it as a means of keeping our range of courses up-to-date and relevant to our customers.
How many trainees are required?
A minimum of one! Yes we have actually developed a highly specialised technical course for just one trainee at his request. On another occasion we spent around 100 man-days developing a very high-level technical course for just 5 trainees (all graduates and most with PhDs) with little prospect of ever using the material again.
Don’t think you have enough people to warrant a bespoke course? -Try us. We believe training should be tailored to the requirements of the individuals on the course and the organisation they work for. Often our trainers can do this very effectively around a standard course offering, but if you have more specialised requirements we love a challenge.
Will a customised course cost more?
Not necessarily. Since we can often pick-and-mix existing course modules in order to tailor our training to your wishes, there is no additional cost over our equivalent standard course offerings.
Where we have to extend significant effort into developing new materials, or buying more specialist equipment, then there may be an increased charge. Wherever possible any increased charges are very modest as we like to develop new courses – this is a speciality that we believe is unique to us. We can, and have, developed new courses and run them at a loss because it was interesting and we wanted to. We see others with mission statements about exceeding expectations, but they certainly don’t go this far!
Examples of Customised Courses
We have developed numerous bespoke courses, some of these relatively minor changes from our standard courses, and some are major developments. Examples of more bespoke courses we have developed are:
- Fault finding and emergency repair – tailored to specific networks
- Brillouin OTDRs (B-OTDR) and Optical Fibre Distributed Sensors
- C-OTDR theory and practice
- Highways Hybrid Fibre/Copper Cable Installtion & Testing
- Umbilical Cable Jointing / Testing – several different variations
- Raman Amplifiers
- EDFA Theory & Practice
- CATV networks and testing
- In fact, many of our more specialist courses are derived from bespoke projects…