Advanced Fibre Characterisation Course 21-25 October 2019
This is Lucid’s original full 5-day advanced fibre testing course, run by John Colton, our technical director who is an acknowledged world expert on the testing of fibre networks, and wrote the first OTDR, CD and PMD courses in the industry over 20 years ago.
The course carries two formal level 3 certificates from a OA, a UK licensed awarding body. The location is Lucid Training Centre in Garsdale, Cumbria LA10 5PE
The course is modular, starting with the “Advanced OTDR Testing” module, followed by the “Advanced PMD and CD Testing” – either module can be taken separately as well if preferred.
We still have a few places available, so please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested – due to Johns other commitments and demands for company courses, we only rarely have the opportunity to run this as a public course.